SOFAR Acoustics, LLC is a research and development consulting company focused on creating innovative solutions that combine science and advanced technology. We provide services in two major areas of specialization: acoustics and information technology. In the area of acoustics we offer scientific and engineering solutions in underwater acoustics, structural dynamics and vibration, ocean-seismo acoustics, signal processing, and data fusion. This work is often based on integrating science and engineering with our information technology prowess in distributed sensor networks, embedded linux systems, and cloud computing applications. Backed by an established record of our professional capabilities in both research industry and academic settings, we provide R & D solutions for government sponsors such as the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), as well as for clients in the academia and the industry.
Raymond J. Nagem is an Associate Chair and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Boston University. He received the S.B. (1980), S.M. (1982), and Ph.D. (1988) degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1982-1984 he worked as a senior engineer for the IBM Corporation in San Jose, CA. In 1989 he joined the faculty of the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at Boston University, where he developed sponsored research programs funded by NSF, NASA, and ONR. He is a member and former committee chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and is the associate editor of the Journal of Computational Acoustics. Prof. Nagem brings to this board a wealth of expertise and experience in computational acoustics and structural dynamics and vibration.
Vesna Mitrovic joined the Physics Department at Brown University in 2003. She has received her B.S. (1995) from Illinois Institute of Technology and her M.S. (1996) and Ph.D. (2001) from Northwestern University. She has done postdoctoral work at Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Grenoble, France). Professor Mitrovic has extensive experience in various aspects of magnetic resonance, mostly in studies of magnetic and superconducting properties of materials under the conditions of ultra low temperatures and high magnetic fields. She has worked on developing special NMR techniques for detection of weak signals in difficult environments. Prof. Mitorvic's sponsored research work has been funded by NSF, DOE, and the NIH SBIR program, and she brings to this board a breadth of experience in physics and sensor development.
Guy Lunardi is Vice President of Business Development at Collabora Ltd, a software consultancy specializing in bringing companies and the open source software community together, combining years of open source software leadership with an understanding of the challenges that businesses, nonprofits, and governments face. He has spent the last 14 years at Novell Corporation, most recently as a Product Management Director responsible for product management and business development of Novell's Linux operating system offering for client computing, and was directly involved in managing Novell research and development teams around the world. His background in IT management, consulting, and software development allows him to account for many aspects of information technology and business development making him an excellent addition to SOFAR's advisory board.
Richard Doll has held several senior positions in IT infrastructure, Open Source and Broadcasting markets. He is a managing director at SERFIDES which builds secure RFID solutions to protect against product piracy. Richard ran product marketing and product management teams, was responsible for channel and ISV ecosystem efforts and has built and managed several organizations both in the USA and Germany. He received his B.S. (1996) in Industrial Engineering from Fachhochschule Munchen and his M.S. (2006) in International Relations from Suffolk University in Boston.